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MMB provides with fine-finish packaging prototypes since 1971.

Fine-finish packaging prototypes are solid representations of perfume bottles, cosmetics primary packaging and other luxury goods packaging in development phase.

MMB defines its modeling process to reach the level of finish desired by the Customer for a specific prototype use : presentation, testing, photo-shooting, etc …

The expertise of MMB prototype-makers goes further. MMB will also provide with early feasibility advices and adapt the 3D file following the dialogue’s conclusions. Furthermore, MMB’s R&D team works on incorporating new processes to model-making, painting and metallization that enable to better capture all characteristics of serial production.

MMB offers not only accurate models but also to accelerate customers’ creative research, anticipate on serial production challenges, limite project’s risks, and in fine favor creation.

Primary packaging prototypes

Primary packaging comes in direct contact with the product content,
so it is typically a glass or transparent plastics container in the cosmetics, perfume, food and pharmaceutical industries.

Perfume bottle models

Jean-Paul Gaultier

Cosmetic products models


Perfume bottle models

Christian Dior

Secondary packaging prototypes

Secondary packaging comes aroung the primary packaging and fulfills such purposes as further protection and labelling,
so it is typically a cardboard or tin box.

Secondary packaging prototypes

Cent Degrés – Blend IT

Point-of-sales product prototypes

Paco Rabanne

Architecture project models

Ville d’Amiens